Posted by: lydia2007 | October 23, 2007

Moving On

I recently had a dream that let me know the energy was now available to me to start rebuilding my life – six years after my husband passed away.  The dream took place in the kitchen which is a room of transformation (a place where we take raw food and use it to prepare a meal for ourselves and our families).  In the dream, the granddaughters of my husband’s two sisters (who he loved very much) carried my groceries in for me and stayed with me for the afternoon. 

When I woke from this dream, I found myself experiencing a youthful energy that I had not been in touch with for a long time.  I found myself laughing in a way I had not laughed in years.  I found myself interacting playfully with the people in my world the way I used to do when my husband was alive and well.  I knew that I had come out the other side of grief and was finally ready to rebuild my life instead of just taking up space;  while waiting for my time to die.


  1. Oh this is good news! Can you send some of it my way! 🙂 Sure do miss you!

  2. So glad to hear from you, Heidi. I miss you as well. Perhaps when your studies are not taking so much of your time, we can get together for a conflab. I’m speaking in Harvey next Tuesday evening on my dreamwork. Take care!

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